Yarram Community Pop-Up Produce Share

Produce Shares will be held on the second Saturday of January, February and March from 10-11am at the BBQ Shelter at Yarram Memorial Park.

Yarram Memorial Park, Commercial Road yarram VIC 3971 (03) 5182 0233

What's it all about?

Do you have excess fruit, vegetables, seedlings, herbs or preserves?
Do you have produce going to waste?
Do you want to share your produce with other people?

Community Pop-Up Produce Shares are held in the Yarram area from 10:00am- 11:00am on the second Saturday of each month.
No direct swaps occur, but rather the pooling of resources.
All community members welcome- even if you don't have anything to share this time, come along and you just might learn something!

For more information, please contact Katherine on (03) 5182 0233 or email yarramproduceshare@gmail.com


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A number of our Victorian listings are sourced from The Field Guide to Victorian Produce, the first comprehensive guide to Victoria's regional produce and the people that grow, make and sell it.